Thursday, March 10, 2011

i bought a book!

oh happy day! i bought a book! not a text book - but a book, book. one i really want to read. and it's hardback. i'm too cheap to normally spring for a hardback book - but it was on sale on amazon sooo i ordered it, got free shipping and here it is - ONE day later! here's the deal... i was giving nuggie her breakfast yesterday morning when they were interviewing the author - david brooks, on good morning america. he was offering an alternative to the "tiger mom" - you know, the super strict mama who doesn't allow her kids to have slumber parties and holds her kids to the highest of standards when it comes to grades and behavior. NOW, i think she has alot of great ideas and kudos to her for choosing a parenting style and sticking with it... but it's just not the style for me. before we had nuggie i probably would have thought that's the style i would go with, but now that our sweet angel is here i just want to nurture her and help her develop into the little person she was meant to be. anyhow - i'll get off my parenting soapbox! i bought a book, remember??? and it was this book... david brooks said that the three keys to raising "good" kids, ones that are kind, compassionate, intelligent members of the world are three things. 1) help your kids develop self-control 2) talk to them! kids exposed to more words at a young age go on to be smarter 3) teach your kids empathy. i thought these were great ideas. not that whole - teach your baby to read by 8 months infomercial or get your kids involved in fifty gajillion after school activities. just three simple principles. anyhow, it may end up being a bunch of crap, but i'm gonna read it and see what it has to say. i think right now i'm more excited that i bought a book! i will never give in to the e-reader - NEVER!!!!


Shannon said...

You BETTER let Nuggie have slumber parties!! Some of my greatest memories of Jr. High were our sleep-overs!

Kudos on the anti e-reader! I'm right there with you!!

amanda said...

we did have the best slumber parties! i think i might still have some of those mixed tapes somewhere :-)