Monday, March 14, 2011

weighn' in - week 3

um, so i have a confession. this last week stunk. i hardly worked out - only 3 times - and i ate a ton of crap. we had a really weird week. nuggie and i both had early morning doctor's appointments two days and thursday our normal routine was all out of whack when nugg had to go spend some time with bub at work while i went to class.

so i did work out 3 times, right? but here's the thing. i'm thinking - and i HATE to admit this - that p90x might not be the thing for me right now. see, you only do cardio a couple times a week, the other days are strictly weight lifting. it's tough and i know it's still a workout, but right now all i'm really trying to do is drop weight. also, it's LONG - each workout takes about 1 1/2 hours. it also is requiring a lot of "stuff" - i've got to get out several different sets of weights, the pull up bar, a chair, a yoga mat, clear out the living room so i have space to do the work out. it wasn't a big deal in the past (before baby) - but now, ugh, i need simplicity. i think if i know all i've got to do is put on some tennis shoes and maybe grab one set of hand weights i'll be a lot more likely to stick with it. so bub - if you're reading this - don't hate me. i'm setting aside the p90 for now in favor of good old fashioned cardio.

weight loss wise - eh, maybe i lost 1/2 pound this week? we don't have the best scale. it was showing a little bit of loss though. i'll take it :-)

diet wise - again, it was a tough week. i was stressed about some things and felt like i was running around like a crazy lady all week so easy foods dominated my diet, as well as comfort snacks (i.e. SUGAR!).

it's a struggle. i'm human. i need to be gentle with myself. i've only been a stay at home momma and back to school college student for 5 months - it's an adjustment. i'm tired ALL the time, our sweet nugg really doesn't like to sleep much. i'm just trying to take everything one day at a time. so far today is successful. i've worked out, showered, cleaned house, put dinner in the crockpot, fed and dressed nuggie, did several loads of laundry and got her to take a small 30 minute nap! and it's only 10:30am. like i said - one day at a time!


Kate said...

You are doing so good, friend! And 3-4 workouts a week is awesome! You need to have recovery times in between so your muscles/adrenals/etc. don't get fatigued! Also, doing primarily cardio right now might initiate a more significant weight loss pattern. Try doing 70% cardio, 30% weights right now. Then readjust after a couple weeks. (geez, can you tell I live with a trainer?). Wanna go on a hike with me sometime Saturday?

Unknown said...

Aw, I miss doing step/yoga with you and Moriah! I think you're doing great! I have a routine I really enjoy doing, it's a cardio/strength mix and takes about 45 minutes. It's programmable, so if you want a longer or shorter workout, or more weight lifting vs. cardio, you can change the options. Ignore the name of it though, heehee...

leyla'smommy said...

Well all I can say is that you have worked out more than I have in the past 10 months! I think you are right though, the simpler the better! If a walk with Rosie works, go with it. Right now, I have to incorporate the babies into all forms of exercise. So, yeah, I load them into the stroller and we walk A LOT!

maya0212 said...

First of all, why is the Nuglett going to Daddy's work? I told you if you need someone to watch her I'm available...Secondly, good for you for even trying to do an 1 1/2 hour workout 3x a week! You're my hero. If you wanna go have some elliptical time at the Y, let me know.

amanda said...

oh miss k - thursday was a random thing - very last minute. and yes - let's eliptisize together soon! are you back from OH??