Sunday, March 27, 2011

weighn' in - week 5

it's time to get real... wasn't that some dr. phil slogan for a while or something?? well, it's my slogan for today. first of all though - i'm writing this entry sunday night rather than monday morning b/c we have a CRAZY day tomorrow. i know you all totally LOVE my fatty confessionals each week and i'm not one to disappoint :-)

ok, so back to gettin' real. last week was a flop. this week was not. i did however discover that i have gained back 2 of the 4 pounds i lost... sad, sad day. i got three good workouts in and walked with nuggie every day. i ate pretty well - no oreo cookie binges or giant bag of m&m's stuffed in my mouth b/c nuggie won't nap EVER and i needed a little sanity in my life, so why NOT look for it in candy, right?!? NO - there was none of that this week. but like i said, i did hop back on that scale and found i had gained back 2 pounds. ugh. that's when i asked myself - how much am i really committed to losing this baby weight? how important is it to me? is that moment of weakness and stuffing junk food in my body really worth the sadness i feel when i still don't fit into any of my old jeans? being self conscious about my extra tummy chub? worrying about my fat face in pictures? and if i'm really gettin' real - feeling totally uncomfortable letting my hubby see me, well you know - sans apparel? no, the food isn't worth it.

all i can do is take it one day at a time though. i've said that before. and i'll say it again. i can't set myself up on some rigid diet or crazy workout plan - it doesn't work for me. but for today i'll try to get my workout done, eat healthy foods and drink lots of water. but i want to remember - what's really important? and is it worth it?

on a happier note - though the scale didn't bring happy news - i can now where MY belt again - rather than bub's. i can also get all my old jeans - except for my one pair of lucky brand most fav fav skinny jeans :-(   - up over my fat booty - just can't button them yet. but that's huge! a tiny bit of movement in the right direction helps... makes me feel like i will indeed lose this last 18 pounds someday.

ok - busy, busy day tomorrow... i'm watching a sweet friend's two little girls and my own screamy monkey all day tomorrow. her girls will be angels i have no doubt. mine will probably pitch a fit the whole day. someone remind me how many calories are in vodka?? mama is gonna need a cocktail late tomorrow night!


nichole said...

Remember muscle weighs more than fat! You'll gain some weight before you start losing some..keep it up your doing great!

Kate said...

According to "my fitness pal", a shot of vodka is only 69 calories!! I had to add that the other night...I was having a wild evening. :)

leyla'smommy said...

I feel your pain girl. Sometimes you need that sugar just to cope. Remember your baby is only what 5 months? At 10 months I could still just barely fit in my shorts (and never in my jeans) and then well you know - preggers with Sam and do you think I can fit into my jeans now - 10 months postpartum? Nope. It makes me mad and ashamed sometimes (well a lot of the time) but I think, when the kids get a bit bigger, when the weather gets warmer, I will get back on track. Rome wasn't built in a day, my sister always says. I think, well, I was really thin once but I sure didn't have the most wonderful miracles in my life in my arms - So, it's a trade off for now. Until then, living one day at a time - some days I succeed and others I fail.

Shannon said...

Bub doesn't see "tummy chub." He sees the gorgeous woman that gave him his beautiful daughter. Trust me.