Tuesday, April 5, 2011

duck and cover!

whew - yesterday ended up being quite a stormy day. in the words of my sweet friend claire - i don't do storms. i hate them! i always have. and down here in the south we don't normally have basements, so you're left to find a safe place in the lowest level of your home and hope for the best.

it got really bad. normally i'd just fret and stress and stare out the windows. but it got so black out, the tornado sirens kept going off and the lights were flickering so nuggie and i hid out. i've heard to get into the bathtub, but we have a window in the bathroom, so we took cover in our coat closet. she was such a trooper. it's not the most pleasant little space... it's where olive's cat box lives. i pulled that out, set the radio in the hall so i could hear it and hugged onto my sweet babes. i've never heard wind like that. it was really scary for a bit. thankfully it didn't last long. they said the storms moved through at like 70 mph! bub called me while he and his coworkers sought shelter in the starewells at work. ugh, i was so so scared. all i kept thinking was don't let nuggie get hurt. we prayed and thank the Lord we were safe.

when we climbed out of our hiding place i saw this

it's really nothing serious, but still a sign of how strong the winds were...

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Glad to hear you guys are safe!! I hate severe stoms but I LOVE spring rain :o)